James Cameron used the term “bitchin” when it came to describing what he and his production team have in store for his three Avatar sequels. For the past few months, Cameron has been hard at work building and expanding the universe of the highest grossing film of all time and recently sat down to describe what his team, including Josh Friedman, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver and Shane Salerno, are planning for Avatar 2, Avatar 3 and Avatar 4.
I think we met for seven months and we whiteboarded out every scene in every film together and I didn’t assign each writer which film they were going to work on until the last day. I knew if I assigned them their scripts ahead of time, they’d tune out every time we were talking about the other movie.
Production on Avatar 2 is close to beginning, and with a December 2016 release date on the horizon for the follow-up, Cameron looks ready to reassert Pandora and the Na’vi back on the world. He can’t wait to get back to work apparently and he believes the public won’t be able to handle the sheer awesomeness of the upcoming films.
They’re gonna be bitchin.’ You will **** yourself with your mouth wide open.