The App Store is flooded with tons of video-editing programs, the majority being half-ads. So what makes The Fly app any different. Well, for one, it can import four videos into it a editor and initiate live cuts on each piece on captured footage. From there, users can add voiceover work and import it to Instagram, a plus in any mobile photographer’s book.
“There aren’t any apps that allow you to experiment so quickly with the craft,” says Fly founder Tim Novikoff. “iMovie and Final Cut are more like pro tools, and Vine and Instagram are great, but they very sharply constrain what you can do.”
Fly manages to bring the full-fledged editing suite found in premium design programs and blends it in a seamless mobile environment any iOS can adapt to. The app is downloadble now at iTunes for free, with the multi-cam shooting mode option available for $10.
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