The market’s become oversaturated with a ton of headphone makers fakers who have no clue how to fine-tune their accessories and create a high-quality listening experience. As a sound engineer and true audiophile, Monster CEO Noel Lee, can spot each and every imposter, but that’s not his day job. The Head Monster is all about the audio and his company’s helped manifest the blueprint for today’s headphone market by producing the best looking and sounding sound blasters on the scene. Having achieved massive success with the Beats By Dre project, Monster is having what it calls its breakout party with the release of its first over-ear headphones: Inspiration.
Sleek, sexy, and comfortable, the Inspiration line delivers the soothing and high-clarity audio that is surely missing from the boom-blasting Beats brand. Hey, we’re just calling it like we hear it. Either way, Lee sits with us near the pool on the Gansevoort Roof Top during the Inspiration NYC Launch Party to discuss the creation process and mass appeal of the headphones. Listen up.
Related: CES 2012: Monster & Diesel Team Up For Fashion-Centric Headphones Line
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