E3 EXCLUSIVE Mario Kart 8 Preview at Nintendo Showcase

evolveteam June 13, 2013 3
Mario Kart 8 E3 Wii U

How is this for an awesome Nintendo Direct Stream addition: Mario Kart 8. The new racer has a few new twists and turns, with roads turning upside down for one. Exclusive to the Wii U, gamers can now control their vehicles using the console’s tablet-esque gamepad. As of now, we don’t know of any new weapons, though the regulars such as the red shell, green shell, and everyone’s favorite, bananas are still present. This time around though, we’ll be able enjoy the title in HD. Mario Kart 8 hits retailers sometime in 2014. Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the visuals in the meantime. Right? Watch below.

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