We can still recall when we made an exasperated sigh as news broke that Disney bought Lucas Film and thus gave the green-light to produce Episodes VII, VIII and IX of Star Wars. We kept thinking, the story is over. Why?! Anyway, production recently wrapped up and even though the story is shrouded in mystery as to what is happening after 30 years post-Return of the Jedi, the cast is apparently pleased with where J.J. Abrams is going with the franchise. Actually, Anthony Daniels, who plays the guy who translates R2D2 for us, (we all know who he is), thinks this movie is going to rejuvenate the franchise in a big way!
“No movie sequel is better than The Empire Strikes Back.” You might eat those words for Xmas dinner in 2015. Joy & Indigestion to the world!
You heard it via his Twitter account Star Wars fans. A bold statement from the actor who plays the protocol droid fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Also, according to sources, the trailer is almost done and should be on its way to the internet and theater screens soon.