Starting today, Salvage, a new Crucible mission, will come available. Salvage has you running around the maps securing artifacts and will be played on small to medium size maps. This is good news considering one of the biggest early criticisms of Destiny’s PvP is the awkward map sizes.
Following Friday’s release, on the 16th the first Raid will become available to those past level 20. The raid, Vault of Glass, will award you raid sets of gear and new vanguard marks so you can purchase your armor sets.
More events including Combined Arms, Queen’s Wrath and Iron Banner were mentioned, but no details followed. Bungie has also left us with this very last teaser:
“Very soon, strange characters will arrive in the Tower with special offerings in hand,” the blog reads. “Public Events will erupt from the skies over your favorite destinations with greater frequency. And, Bungie will enter the fray with some bounties of our own for you to claim – if you can.”
Stay tuned for more news surrounding this new epic space opera, and be sure to check out more gaming news as the holiday season kicks off!