Some of you might have caught wind of a faux domain for the Battlefield 5 beta. Yea, ummm, it’s fake. The same source responsible for the website practically ousted its fradulence by not featuring the official copyrights from publisher EA and developer DICE.
The unconfirmed domain tagged Battlefield5beta.com was acquired by CSC Corporate Domains, which is the same company EA uses to acquire all their domains. However, the CSC tends to stay idle in an external name server before EA approves any domain launch.
Adding to the skepticism was the recent opening of a Facebook page that appeared inviting fans to like and share the page for an opportunity to join the Battlefield 5 beta. The fact that the copyright featured on the page was credited to Battlefield5beta.com pretty much told you it was fake from the git-go.
DICE has constantly mentioned it has no intentions of working on the next Battlefield game until resolving all the issues present in BF4. So in other words, it will be a while before we see the next entry, especially when considering the number of problems still present in the latest title and all the problems that transpired at launch.
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