Somebody tipped off Kotaku about the third and planned Assassin’s Creed title, and this GameStop cover art solidifies all claims. That and the recently registered AssassinsCreedBrotherhood.com website. Ubisoft has confirmed the image is real, stating Assassin’s Creed 2 hero, Ezio, is indeed on the cover. Although nothing has been announced on GameStop’s website, the company seems to be taking in-store pre-orders and offering an exclusive multiplayer character.
Here’s the back box art details:
“Live and breathe as Ezio, now a legendary master assassin, in his struggle against the Templar order. Lead your own brotherhood of Assassins and strike at the heart of the enemy. Rome.
“And for the first time, take part in an innovative multiplayer layer allowing you to embody an assassin of your choosing and define their killing style.
“A never-before-seen online multiplayer experience.
“Lead your own brotherhood of assassins, as Ezio, and conquer Rome.”
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