The hardware kings of the mobile game surprised the tech industry last week with the unveiling of not one, but three new Droid RAZR phones: the Droid RAZR M, RAZR HD, and RAZR Maxx HD. The rumor mill nailed the last two offerings, but a $100 RAZR with near-exact capabilities as its counterparts and great battery life—that’s a shocker. Motorola took the extra step to entice tech experts at its launch event, preloading one of its RAZR m models with a version of Android’s latest OS, Jelly Bean.
So what’s Android 4.1 looking like under the Motoblur skin? With Google’s new enhanced personalized search application, Google Now, and noticeably faster performance speeds, Jelly Bean looks pretty good thus far. Don’t let EvolveTV convince you, we’ll have Motorola take you through their adaptation of Android 4.1.
Related: Motorola Atrix HD Review
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